
Charles Whitman Gun Control Essay

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The founding fathers of America declared that everyone has the right to bear arms, but there is evidence to prove otherwise. Mass shootings, school shootings, and gun violence in general are all caused by people with guns. Eliminating the one thing that these things have in common is the only way to prevent more violence from happening. The Second Amendment needs to be updated to current times. A country-wide gun control law needs to be put in its place in order to help prevent mass shootings and gun violence as a whole.
Mass murder, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Kim Innis, can be described as the willful killing of four or more people at one place and time (Innis pg. 1). Mass murder is not a new term used in the United …show more content…

He believed he could release his wife and mother from evil, so on July 31, 1966 he stabbed and killed his family. He left two notes claiming that he had to release them from their own damnation. After he killed the two women, he climbed the University of Texas tower and proceeded to kill fifteen more people. No one knows why Whitman decided to open fire on the Texan students. Two hours of shooting had passed before Whitman was shot down by the police (Innis pg. 2). This case proves that something needed to happen in order to prevent this occurrence from happening again, but nothing changed. It wasn’t until 1989 that a state changed their gun …show more content…

In some states, people can even buy and take guns home while waiting for background checks to be approved. The Democratic Senators want to eliminate these chances. They propose that the United States should outlaw selling guns online and at gun shows that don’t require background checks. The Democrats also propose that people should not be allowed to buy guns without a completed background check. People who have been convicted of domestic abuse should also be banned from buying guns (Kelly pg.

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