
Character Analysis Of Spunk By Zora Neale Hurston

Good Essays

Jessica Hernandez
Ms. Collom
Comp II: 1123.01
25 August 2017

Spunks masculine personality description
After recently read a short story titled “Spunk” by Zora Neale Hurston about two men fighting for the woman that they love. Some stories end in happily ever after, but others end up in a tragic, like “Spunk”, one may say “fight for the person that you love”. In this story the two main characters are Spunk and Joe, they are both in love with the same woman, Lena. Spunk has a physical appearance that makes the village afraid of him, including Joe. Joe is married to Lena, but spunk wants her as well. Joe was shot after he took someone’s advice that he should go after Lena, which he did and for that advice caused his death. Spunk thought he …show more content…

In the story it mentioned that Spunk took Millers position on the saw machine because the other workers witnessed Miller accidently cutting himself with sharp blades. Even though Spunk knew that Miller had an accident, he still took his place.
“But that’s one thing Ah likes about Spunk Banks—he ain’t skeered of nothin‘ on God’s green footstool—nothin’! He rides that log down at saw-mill jus‘ like he struts ’round wid another man’s wife—jus‘ don’t give a kitty. When Tes’ Miller got cut to giblets on that circle-saw, Spunk steps right up and starts ridin'. The rest of us was skeered to go near it.”had accidently cut himself and from there no one would dare be near it, on the other hand spunk did (). After everyone noticed about how dauntless his actions were they realized that he feared nothing, he was a person that would do anything to get what he desires the most. Similar to the book series of divergent in which Spunks character traits are similar to Peter "Divergent" also stars Miles Teller as Peter, a cruel Dauntless member willing to do anything to be ranked first among his fellow initiates. Kate Winslet plays Jeanine, the leader of the Erudite faction” (Movie Review). One thing that made Spunk a gallant type of person is that he was valiant enough to not give much importance of what others thought of his affair with Lena who was married to Joe. Spunk was in town with Lena holding hands with her

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