
Character Analysis Of Janie Crawford In Their Eyes Were Watching God

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In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston writes of Janie Crawford, a strong African American women trying to find true love and respect. She finds herself in two marriages; one she was set up in, knowing it would never work, and one she chose for herself, in hopes that it would be different than the first. Despite Janie's desire for true love, she remains unsuccessful in her search for a suitable husband. Janie's first husband, Logan Killicks was nothing close to the man she had always longed for. She was placed in this marriage by her Nanny, knowing that it would never go anywhere because of the lack of love. Logan Killicks is an emotionally devoid character who was unable to fulfill Janie's hunger for true love. At one point he had admired her, but then "long before the year was up, Janie noticed that her husband had stopped talking in rhymes to her." (C 4, P.1) He began to not treat her as a wife but rather as a partner instead, …show more content…

Starks was the man she had always dreamed of, full of respect, money, and love; because of this they were married as soon as they made their move for a new life, free of segregation. Once the new couple settled down in their newly built home, things began to show a new light. After all he had said about how "a pretty doll-baby lak" her "is made to sit on de front porch and rock and fan yo'self and eat p'taters dat other folks plant just special for" her, (C 4, p. 29) all she seemed to do was work in the newly built store, a chore forced on by her new husband. His promise of luxury and love was put to shambles with all of the days spent in the store she dreaded so much, and the rag cloaking her beautiful hair, all as a way to preserve her for himself. Joe's controlling, overprotective character turned out to be nothing close to her dream, leaving Janie feeling deprived and disappointed by the force of love once

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