
Channeary Quotes

Decent Essays

Channeary ESSAY-Draft The novel Channeary, written by Steve Tolbert is a story about our protagonist-Channeary- getting forced out of her little fishing village in Cambodia by a rebel group known as the Khmer Rouge. An important experience that Channeary went through, was her journey she went on trying to escape the Khmer Rouge. The rebel attack from The Khmer Rouge forced Channeary out of her village. Channeary is set on a journey to the border of Thailand. On this journey six year old Channeary is accompanied by her Mother, little sister, two men from different villages named Mith and Tuic. Risks such as traps, infections, predators such as snakes and leeches, face the crew on their journey. Except for Channeary and Mith one of these risks eventually kill off the rest of the crew. This experience impacted Channeary’s life as she rapidly lost her innocence at the age of six.Channeary was only ever exposed to peace and serenity in her village, but that changes very quickly when she is exposed to death and war. The quote ‘she rose and walked a few paces into the bush, where she picked up a branch, returned and placed it next to her mother's body’ really proves Channeary’s innocence and how she has to begin to mature faster to survive. …show more content…

This can be seen when Channeary is assigned the job to take care of a boy named Heng. Heng was around Channeary’s age-At this point of the novel Channeary is ten- and had lost an arm. ‘She could remember the strong embraces of her Mother and Mith; but they’d been long ago. Seconds of confusion passed before she hesitantly moved her arms around his thin body.’ I feel this quote clearly proves the maturity of Channeary because she blocks out her own emotions and focuses on her patient, which i feel is very powerful and grown up for a ten year old girl to

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