
Cell Phones Worst

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Over the ages of time, there has been a questionable invention, several considered to be a disaster, but the worst by far is the cell phone. A cell phone is not the worst because it doesn't always work or its design, but rather it provokes problems with distractions, is ruining communication, and contributes to cyber-bullying. Though viewed a cellphone is a helpful tool that most people have access to, it has produced more negative effects on our health and well-being rather than improved ourselves, and our society. Schools enforce strict rules about the use of cell phones for the main reason such as students not paying attention during class. Several students believed that just because they had the sound on their phones disabled that it doesn’t affect anyone’s learning experience, …show more content…

Most people know it’s illegal to text and drive and that it's dangerous. Yet texting, and driving has become a normal type of behavior, doctor Seiler survey found that passenger’s that ride with friends or family members that text and drive without anything going wrong are more likely to text and drive as well. Drivers that are deciding to break the law are also affecting their passengers to engage in this type of risky behaviors. Quisenberry states in his article that texting while driving actually impairs a driver more than a person under the influence while driving. The center of disease control estimates that nine people die every day because of distracted driving and just a little over a thousand are injured. Many cell phone companies have joined “It Can Wait” campaigns such as AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile to advise and teach young driver the serious consequences of driving while distracted by making a pledge not to text email, or surf the web while being behind of the wheel (Quisenberry). April is “Distracted Driving Month”, but despite the countless widespread of campaigns urging people

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