
Causes Of Pollution In Sydney

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The population of Sydney, Australia is 4.029 million people. The city was found on January 26, 1788. Sydney is located on Australia’s south east coast toward the Tasman Sea, which is located in the south-western part of the South Pacific Ocean.Summers are hot and warm, while winters are cool and mild. Most rainfalls are throughout March and June. Some common jobs in Sydney are carpenters, school teachers, wildlife workers, farm labourers, and architects. Service economy, fuels by government, commerce, retailing, transport, entertainment, finance, and tourism are some of Sydney’s major industries. Sydney has many different infrastructures. Sydney has many trains and buses for transportation. Free smartcard tickets are available to load funds to use the transportations available. A goal was set to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This goal includes 50% of electricity demand from renewable resources. Pollution is caused by many actions. The most common action that causes pollution in Sydney is Noise and Light Pollution. Though, pollution is also caused by air, water and inaccessibility, dissatisfaction with garbage disposal, dirt, and dissatisfaction with green and parks. Public pools and spaces must be inspected often in order for diseases not to spread. Safety practice drills must be performed regularly around the city. Sydney has some of Australia's most prestigious universities, technical institutions and schools. Education is mostly often taught similar as in the U.S

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