
Cause And Effect Of Sleep Deprivation

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Kyle Price
Prof. Bridget McIntrye
English 101
27 Feb 2016
Cause/Effect Essay Sleep deprivation is becoming an increasing problem many Americans deal with every day. Getting sleep is one of the basic needs. People are finding it harder and harder to get more of due to the fact that they are busy. With things like jobs, school, sports, family, and other commitments; people just don’t have time to get the sleep they need without not having a life. These things can affect the body with driving, their jobs, awareness, and their brain will not be completely with their body. Sleep is one of the important things that makes your mind work and function properly. Sleep deprivation is a huge part in maintaining your daily functions because it can affect your ability to comprehend, fatigue and mood, and memory loss. “Scientists estimate that 80% of Americans are chronically sleep-deprived” (Munson). Most of America is sleep deprived and it is not going to help citizens for it to continue. Sleep, as we may know it, is the one thing that a human needs to survive besides food and water. If we don’t get the amount needed, then we will see some kind of decline of activity throughout the day. One of those things are during your shift at work or during school/class. When you are sitting in class it is very important to be an attentive listener so nothing is missed. In high school students don’t do that much work and have a bunch of free time. This leads to more opportunity
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