
Caste System In Ancient Greece

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The caste system in ancient India and citizenship in ancient Greece both have their strengths and weaknesses in their effectiveness concerning social organization in society. India and Greece developed around the same time, within a thousand years of urban revolution as ancient city based civilizations, even so these two societies developed in entirely different ways. (Worlds, 2384) In Ancient India it was the caste system and in ancient Greece it was citizenship, the caste system a group of people who will together, and also marry one another, thus creating groups and then excluding others from these two intimacies. (Worlds, 2435) While citizenship in ancient Greece, was being a citizen in that said country, it is also means having an allegiance to the polis, the city-state. Each different, but one isn’t necessarily better than the other. The way the caste system worked in Ancient India is every person is part of a …show more content…

(Worlds, 2475) The four castes originated from “Riga Veda” which speaks of the sacrifice of Purusha and how “his mouth became the brahman; his two arms were made into the rajanya; his two thighs the vaishyas; from his two feet the shudra was born.” (Worlds, 2597) While a caste system has good organization in the aspect of the four caste divisions from Brahmans to the Sudras this meant no one is equal in the social hierarchy, and since a mans status is pre-determined, his status cannot be changed, and he cannot move up through the four castes in society, so someone will always be inferior to the other. This also applies to marriage, you had to marry someone within your own said caste, this really shows the rigid social system within

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