
Cast Away Creativity

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Alone, in pain, cold with limited things, what traits do you need to survive?
Cast Away directed by Robert Zeneckis is a movie about a man named Chuck Noland. He works for fedex and is married to a woman named kelly who he loves. Chuck was on an airplane one day and it went down. He washed up on an island alone, he used his creativity, perseverance and humility to survive and make it home alive. To Build a fire, written by Jack London, is about a man who is on the Yukon trail with a husky wolf dog, he realizes he is going to freeze with his unprotected hands and cheek bones but continues to venture, he tries to use his textbook knowledge and perseverance to survive but he eventually dies. To survive in the wilderness there a certain traits you need. The key traits are Creativity, Perseverance and Humility. All of these traits greatly help each person surviving or leads them to their downfall if one does not have them. …show more content…

In to build a fire, the man does not have that much creativity. “The problem with him is that he was without imagination” (1). This quote shows that he does not have an imagination and you cannot be creative without an imagination. If he was creative he might of been able to survive. Creativity is key because it allows you to make resources that you would not have. In Cast Away, chuck is filled with creativity because he creates an axe out of skates which helps him make a boat that gets him found. He creates a sail out a porta potty that is a key component to the boat. And lastly he makes a friend out of a ball and some blood. If he was not creative he would never have been able to make a boat which got him home. He would have died much sooner as well not being able to make an axe which got him easy access food. Creativity helped chuck survive, the lack of creativity led The man from To build a Fire to

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