
Case Study Sarah Burke

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This paper examines the case study about Sarah Burke. A case study analysis form was completed and symptoms were identified. Identification of certain diagnostic criteria were interpreted and clarified for the exhibiting individual. Illumination of criteria for proposed diagnosis lead to the discussion which resolves the risk factors and clinical features associated with the diagnosis. Recognition of certain symptoms and criteria brought to light other possible comorbidities. Cumulative risk theory, as well as, the diathesis stress model were investigated for possible involvement in the Burke disorder development. Multidimensional factors related to the onset and maintenance of her symptoms are deliberated; as well as, how her culture played a role. In the end, a conclusion is given about suggested pre- and post- treatment, overall benefits of those treatments, and prognosis outlooks. Sarah Burke was a 16 year old who was brought into the clinic by her distressed mother. Sarah’s attitude and behavior had been getting out of control and worsening. Fights with her mother, sister, and friends and outbursts/tantrums for her own reasons or no reason at all were a commonality. Mother was worried about her academic future and preexisting social relations. From her past, we learn that she has had a traumatic first few years with parental fighting involved and maltreatment. She lived with her mother because her father abused alcohol, drugs, and them verbally. Sarah’s fearful, nervous habit to be reticent around her father caused a hindering in her speech development during important developmental years. Sarah had and might have some intellectual setbacks. She is below her peers intellectually and has had some learning deficiencies with articulation, mathematics, and chemistry. At the age of 12 her father died and that was when she had taken a turn for the worse. Argued and fought, had gotten a boyfriend who made her feel bad about her weight and lowered her self-esteem. Mother had found diet pills in Sarah’s room, but Sarah lied about them. During Sarah’s interview she was asked if there was anything she would change about herself and she said that if she could change anything it would be her appearance. She

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