
Case Study On Racial Profiling

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Race, religion, ethnicity, and color have been a constant struggle for societies throughout history. Those of authority at times have used their power to prove a point, destroy the underdog, or just to be plain ole mean. People in the minority have always struggled with acceptance and equality and have often lived in fear of the majority just for being different. The following situations seemed, from the outside, to have been another case of racial profiling and possible excessive use of force. During this case study, the discovery of the entire story will be attempted. Going into it, there is not a right or wrong side but only the facts.
On August 9, 2014 Officer Darren Wilson with the Ferguson Missouri Police Department was on his way to a reported strong-arm robbery at a local convenience store in the city. While on his way, he observed two African-American males walking in the middle of the roadway (#1). Officer Wilson realized the pair matched the description given of the suspects from the robbery call in which he had been dispatched. While still in his patrol vehicle, Officer Wilson drove up to the males, and began speaking with Michael Brown. Officer Wilson told Brown to not walk in the lanes of traffic (#1).
While speaking with Brown, the incident grew heated, and as Officer Wilson attempted to exit his patrol vehicle, Brown punched Officer Wilson in the face through the window while he was still in the police vehicle. Because did not have access to another

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