
Career Goals Hurt Academic Performance

Decent Essays

Unclear Career Goals Hurt Academic Performance One major and frightening problem students face is not developing defined career goals. Students
Who enter college right after graduating high school tend to have no idea of what exact career path that they want to pursue. A majority of these students struggle to figure out their career goals and end up taking a variety of different courses, most of which are unnecessary. Some of the classes they enroll in may not have any relevance to the major that the student eventually decides to pursue. When taking a mass variety of different classes, there will be certain classes that do not play to the student 's strengths, and they tend to struggle. These classes not only affect their GPA, …show more content…

Students who lack career goals can often result in students who lack interest in their chosen majors. According to "Community College Students Face a Very Long Road to Graduation" from the New York Times by Ginia Bellefante, Mr. De Jesus said, "I don 't just want to be in school. I want to learn in school." "I know I can pass these classes, but my mind is always elsewhere. I 'm still thinking all the time of the future, the future, the future, but I 'm stuck here in this present," he continued. This quote is relatable to me because as an individual, I was at the same point in my life a long time ago. In Mr. De Jesus 's case, his career goals differed from the classes that he was taking, which damaged his passion for the degree he was trying to obtain. Mr. De Jesus had many obstacles to overcome, but a strong set of goals and a positive outlook can help a student accomplish their dreams. He eventually lost interest in school because he felt that he was just existing, rather than actually learning. If Mr. De Jesus also had a social capital that he could draw on, he may have been able to 'figure it out" and feel less stressed and more inclined to struggle and achieve his career and academic goals. Students entering college for the first time often do not know what they want to do as a career. They begin their

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