
Career Goals

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There will always be something that will get in the way of achieving any kind of goal that you may have. Whether it be an academic goal, a career goal, or a family goal that you want to achieve, you need to be prepared for what may happen. To be prepared, you need to have objectives that you must achieve first, in order to achieve the overall goal. For each objective, you need to think of any barriers that may hold you back in the process. For each barrier, you need to come up with a plan that will help overcome each barrier. This may be a long process, but in the end, it will help you tremendously. An academic goal that I have, is to stay positive throughout this course and courses to come. This may be dificult to do when negativity follows …show more content…

A career goal that I have, is to get my Associate's Degree in Allied Health Science to be an ultrasound technician. I have always been interested in how this type of technology works. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I absolutely loved going to the doctor when I know I will have another scan. Not only did I want to see my daughter once again, but I loved to watch the technician do her job I guess I should say. In order to achieve this goal, an objective I have is to continue to make good grades. It is not so hard for me to make good grades as much as it is to find time to work on the assignments. This is a barrier that will make it difficult for me to continue with good grades, is not having time to work on assignements. I have a daughter that will turn three months old in ten days, so finding time while being a full-time stay at home mother is hard. I am constantly asking family members to watch her while I do my school work. I feel as though I am not spending enough time with her, so I am finding myself working on assignments all day on the day that they are due just so I can spend more time with my daughter. There are sacrifices that I must make in order to go to school. A plan that I have to avoid this barrier, is to make extra time for school work. If I have to stay up all night to get work done while my daughter is asleep, that is what I will

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