
Capstone Project Research Paper

Decent Essays

For my Capstone project topic, I chose community design. Specifically, I desire to create a community plan for the Blackman community with an emphasis on making it healthier and then present it to . I chose this topic due to my lifelong love of active community design. When I was younger, I would draw up different communities where me and my friends could live, work, and play. Naturally, this early pastime became my life purpose. I have always loved active, walkable communities. Not only that, I have also cared about staying healthy for many years. During my middle school days, I was very unhealthy. I still remember being made fun of for my weight and now I don’t want anyone to have to deal with that. In doing this project, I will gain experience in the field, I will learn what makes a healthy community, and I will leave a lasting influence on the Blackman area.

How can the Blackman community become healthier through community design? Obesity has become a …show more content…

First, I hope to learn effective strategies to create a walkable community. For a word used so often by me and in urban planning circles, it is very open-ended. In doing this project, I hope to learn what works well and what doesn’t by studying the cities with high walk scores and low obesity rates. Second, I hope to gain an abundance of experience in my future field of urban planning. There are many aspects to the field of urban planning, one of the biggest parts is researching data and applying it. Third, I hope to gain experience doing reports on the viability of a community plan and then presenting my data before a committee. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, one aspect of the profession is “present(ing) projects to communities, planning officials, and planning commissions” (Summary) This will give me good experience because I hope to present my project to the Murfreesboro Urban Planning Commission whenever I finish my

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