
Can Homeschooling A Child Benefit Their Learning?

Decent Essays

Can homeschooling a child benefit their learning? With the many anxieties and stresses of public school, homeschooling is rapidly growing in popularity, with the numbers increasing by at least 7 percent every year. There are currently approximately two million children homeschooled throughout the United States. Recently in the years of public education, children have struggled due to the many distractions around them. Even in private schools, this issue has been evident. Sometimes the private or public school can be too slow for a student who is a quick learner. Sometimes the private or public schools have no fault in the issue, but the child suffers with a learning disability. With a committed parent or teacher, homeschooling can benefit their learning. Homeschooling has been practiced throughout history especially in colonial times due to the lack of schools in the colonies. When public and private schools became popular in society, the homeschooling path was erased for many parents. The idea of homeschooling seemed to be crushed for Americans until John Holt revived the idea in the 1970s. Holt believed that early children education was harmful because it ruined a child’s individuality. In the 1980s, a young man named Michael Farris established an organization called the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). Farris pushed the organization to erase any difficulties of homeschooling your child such as district school board officials requiring homeschooled

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