
Calvin Coolidge Beliefs

Decent Essays

While drafting out my essay on the values President Coolidge and I share, I began to wonder what people thought of when they heard ‘Calvin Coolidge’. I asked many acquaintances and the results shocked me. Majority of those that I spoke with about President Coolidge did not know much about him. They felt as though he was not a good or popular president because they had not heard much about him during school, unlike other presidents such as President Lincoln and President Washington. The only thing that came to their mind was that he looked like an intelligent man and he was known as ‘Silent Cal’. I was more than just taken-aback by my findings: I was disappointed. My 30th president stayed within his values and didn’t try to be well known; because …show more content…

A budget is something I take as seriously as education: without it, you’d be nowhere but miserable. My mother racked up a lot of debt before leaving my dad and I. She was and is legally supposed to send child support, but she never has. My dad spent until 2008 trying to repay the debt she left us with while she was living in Hawaii buying multiple cars and living in luxury. When I was old enough to understand this, I promised myself that I would never go into debt if I could help it. At my school, Personal Finance is a graduation requirement; while some students were complaining that we were only watching Dave Ramsey “ramble on”, I took it with all seriousness. I would rather listen to Dave Ramsey talk about budgeting on the radio in exchange of not going $60,000 in debt and losing my house because the payments are too steep. As Calvin Coolidge once said, “The only way I know of escape from that constant tragedy is to keep running expenses low enough so that something may be saved to meet the day when earnings may be small.” Knowing that President Coolidge not only shared this value, but practiced it in everyday life as well, made me respect him even more than I already …show more content…

This is because without one, you can never have the other. Throughout his autobiography, President Coolidge wrote about one teacher more than the rest: Charles E. Garman. He wrote about this man because he wanted to share what he learned from Mr. Garman with his readers. He related it to something important to him, so might we understand it. When I read about how President Coolidge felt about his teachers at Black River Academy, I thought I was reading a mirror: I feel the same about teachers who’ve taught me in Oak Grove. I have been blessed to be able to attend a school whose teachers truly care about the students. The relationship’s I’ve made have helped me become the person I am. Although there may be times where I don’t understand where a teacher is going with a lesson, I know that they’re doing what’s best for me; I respect them for that. With this respect, I treat people as I hope they’ll treat

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