
Calkins Summary

Satisfactory Essays

The author Calkins explained about Donald Murray’s process which consists on rehearsal, drafting, revision and editing. According to Calkins, most of the writers follow this cycle. Calkins interviewed many writers and each of them explained that none of them sit and immediately start writing. The stage of rehearsal is a state of readiness out which one writes Calkins explains. As teachers, it is important we write often to pass this habit to our students. Writing can be done in a personal notebook, often called journals. Calkins explains that teaching students to write often in a journal is important because it is a place of rehearsal and these ideas are seeds of great writing. Sadly, many students are not encouraged to write, therefore, they do not have the eye of a writer. An important goal for teachers is to “fill their students with a sense of so much to say and life of full possible stories.” For example, Calkins wrote about a teacher who had a ritual in her class. This ritual consisted of writing in their own personalized notebooks. By doing this, students were encouraged to write whatever they thought was important for …show more content…

Did you ever have a teacher who loved to write?
What are some rituals that you remember your teacher doing?
Did one of your teachers encourage you to keep and write in your journal?
While working for about two years in an elementary school, I observed how a teacher implemented the journal ritual. However, his ritual was not daily. For example, after a break, the teacher would ask the students to write about what they did during the break. After writing their stories, the teacher would ask for volunteers to share their stories. However, I noticed that not many students were not encouraged to write and even to share. Perhaps the students needed to see their teacher writing more instead of just writing a few sentences. As Calkins explains, teachers need the models of the ritual. In this

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