
Business Description of Ben & Jerrys

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Executive Summary Ben and Jerrys is a successful ice cream company with many strengths and weaknesses. The company faces serious competition, financial struggles, economic and social influences, all of which are covered in my paper. I also discussed some recommendations I have for the companies success. Ben and Jerry 's is one of the top ice cream companies around. They have had many ups and downs throughout the history of the company, but overall, they have overcome most of their hardships. They have some serious competition facing them in the ice cream industry; they have faced financial struggles, internal issues, and some social and economic factors. In conclusion, I have come up with a few recommendations for the company …show more content…

Due to the fact that imitations for the product are being developed more rapidly, Ben & Jerry have changed their primary marketing goal to establish products that cannot be imitated, but the technological developments of the company have not allowed them to launch the products within a decent time limit. B&J 's mission statement includes the need for a wide variety of innovative flavors. Five years to find the perfect coffee bean seems unnecessary. Coffee ice cream, in this period, may have become undesired by the customer. This scenario is compounded by, the quick replication by competitors, and the high costs related to manufacturing each different flavor. As a result, it is key to stop producing brands not received well, as well as introducing new flavors quickly. "Flavor of the month" may be a way of bringing consumers to them on a regular basis. Research will be key in identifying the market in any region or country B&J wishes to operate, especially into consumers ' needs and wants. The way choices are made needs to be understood and the positioning of B&J needs to accommodate this. The decision is based, amongst others, by the mood of the potential consumer at the time of decision. Ben & Jerry seem to be proud of the success rate of their relaxed, casual culture and having employees involved in the decision making. However this policy needs to be reviewed as decisions are taking

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