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Spur Posse Intro to Sociology Christina Freye 11/17/14 Spur Posse This subject is very prevalent in many societies today, back in the day your sexual life was very precious to young people. But society has changed so much over the years, people think that this is ok it’s a normal way of life. I believe that a lot of the pressure on young people are due to TV shows, parents, internet, and magazines. Now today everybody openly talks about what happens in the bedroom. The Spur Posse is very detrimental to young girls especially if they were kind of forced into sex with these young men. In young lives today there are a lot of peer pressure all around, peer pressure is influence that a group, observers or individual exerts that …show more content…

Association with Spur Posse gang this gang is a young gang that adults had a big influence on the boys of this gang. Primary groups can produce a dysfunctional adult, with these adult pushing the minors into something they feel is right. I feel like these boys feel loyal to their group even though other people feel like this group is wrong. I feel like the boys feel like this is alright to do when in society it is wrong. The spur posse gang is definitely a clique this is a cluster of boys that interact with each other and they convince other young boys and girls this group is ok. The boys are so brain washed at a young age they don’t know that is could ruin their future. This group has a lot of deviance this group is very illegal and this group should be shut down otherwise educate the young girls on this so they don’t fall into the mind twist of these young boys. This group is a negative sanction they are breaking norms of society which is going to ruin these young boys’ lives and these adults that are letting these young boys act this way. I chose this article because it’s very interesting how adults can let their children act this way. I feel very strong about how many so young adults have a messed up life due to the households they grew up in. I feel like this just isn’t ruining the young boys life involved in this group but it is ruining young girl’s lives. These young girls that were involved in this gang when not wanting to be

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