
Britvic, Marketing Essay

Decent Essays



The term marketing concept consists of following key characteristics:

1- Identifying
2- Anticipate and satisfying
3- Profit

These characteristics are illustrated as follows:


Identifying is probably the most important task that generally involves the location and identification of needs and demands of the public and to gain the knowledge of competitors in the market. This process can be done through market research and public surveys about what products and services people want from the producers, then plan to produce and fulfil the customer requirements keeping the prices in mind.


A key character of marketing is to provide the services and products what …show more content…

- Economical
- Recession
- Unemployment
- Salary restraints

These factors will cause people to spend less money on soft drinks.

- Social

- Sport association
- Helping poor community
- Sponsorship of celebrities and sport tournaments
- Health departments

These can help britvic in its promotion of drinks and increase its sales.

- Technological

- Modern machinery
- Moderns means of advertisement like radio, television, internet etc

These all show external factors for Britvic which are beyond its control and these factors affect Britvic’s sales and goals.

Q 3



Market research is the set of steps taken by an organisation in order to collect information about the markets current position, competitors, services, economical changes and customer demands etc.

The importance of market research to Britvic

This phenomenon can help britvic to develop:

- Business plans
- Introduce a new product
- Niche market
- Provide excellent services in the way customer wants -Expand its current marketing strategy
- Have information on public demand in a particular market place
- Develop strategy to advertise, etc.
- Increase its sales

Britvic being such a huge globally recognised soft drink brand will also need and must undergo market research at regular intervals.
All the above mentioned points are benefits for britvic as a result of

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