
Brigham Young: The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints

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Brigham Young was the second Prophet of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. He lived in the early to late 1800s. He was a leader, father, son, brother, friend, and a great Prophet. Brigham Young righteously led the mormons in the western movement to Salt Lake City Utah, and in the coming up of Salt Lake City, where they settled in order to have a better, and free life.

Brigham Young was born on June 1, 1801, in Whitingham Vermont. Even as a young boy, Brigham always wanted to know the truth. He enjoyed learning and finding out new things. In 1830, a man named Joseph Smith, declared the new church, to be named: “The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints”. This was, and is, the church of Heavenly Father, our God, and his Son …show more content…

Men and women from other religions, did many things to harm as many of the mormons they could. There were mass murders, rages, attacks on homes, and massacres that were set against the mormons. One common thing done to them,was tarring and feathering them. This is where boiling tar was poured over their head, to run down their body then they were covered in feathers. Thousands were killed, or at least hurt, year after year. Many of the righteous and steadfast followers were put in jail for no reason, then starved to death, or shot. Others were killed on the spot. The Prophet, Joseph Smith, was taken from his home, and put in jail with four other mormon leaders, then him and two others were shot by a mob just days later.

Every one of the mormons prayed daily to find a place of safety and peace to go to. They all wanted a better life, and to not be killed off for believing what they believed in. In 1847, the mormons set out to go to Salt Lake City Utah, where they would be free from harm and be free to believe, and practice, their own religion.At this time, Brigham Young was the current Prophet. So he was going to lead the mormons across the plains to Utah. Before they left, Brigham Young delivered a talk, saying as he …show more content…

They would pray for safety, and that they would make progress to get closer to Utah. They would pray throughout the day too. A lot of their prayers, were that people would survive to see the Salt Lake Valley. There were thousands of people dying, and many were doubtful that no one was going to make it. But over five thousand made it to the Salt Lake Valley. There was a young women that was promised by one of the priests that pulled her handcart, that she would make it to “Zion”. When she made it, she was very sick, and was not sure that she would live. In the end, she lived, but both of her legs were amputated. She lived to be fifty years old, and with a family, and a strong testimony in the

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