
Brave New World and Individual Freedom

Decent Essays

The Motto of the World State is Community, Identity, Stability.
With detailed reference to the novel, how do you view this in relation to individual freedom?

“Community, Identity, Stability.” -- The motto that shapes and defines the entire civilized world. Civilians like Lenina believe that the motto has given them their individual freedom. “I am free. Free to have the most wonderful time. Everybody's happy nowadays.” (Page 79) Ironically, Huxley was trying to convey the exact opposite message. The motto really speaks of a heavy price paid -- freedom in exchange for collective happiness. Freedom to feel, freedom of identity, and the freedom to know and create. It is too heavy a price, perhaps, because freedom is never dear at any …show more content…

Firstly all family relations must be completely abolished. People no longer know what monogamy, romance, families and mothers are, and along with that, stripped of the right to practice them. Then there is the use of soma. As Mustapha Mond exclaims, you can now carry half your morals around in a bottle, because the slightest bouts of any negative emotions can be instantly cured by the drug. Like ostriches the whole civilized world choose to bury themselves in their soma holiday in face of the tiniest adversity. Living in that bubble of false happiness, they have lost all ability and freedom to have emotions. John the Savage believes that being happy all the time is a prison on its own, and he claims the “right to be unhappy”. After all, being a human, even at its most abject and abased state, is about the right to feel, to love and to hate.

The citizens of the World State have also lost their right to know and to create. They are all intellectually degraded, even for an Alpha Plus. Watsons himself, the most distinguished Emotional Engineer admits that the hypnopaedic lines he writes are “idiotic, writing when there’s nothing to say”. (Page 194) Mustapha Mond explains the reason why they couldn’t afford to have people becoming too intellectual. After centuries of war, famine, poverty, diseases, heartbreaks and chaos, one day The Ford came along and decided that it is too hard

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