
Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 Modern Dystopia Warnings

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In the future, the job of firemen morphs from putting fires out to burning books. The story Fahrenheit 451 revolves around this issue of book burning, but there is a deeper meaning to the book. Bradbury is warning that the monopolizing effect of social media will transform generations to come into a society with no genuine connections, no distinctive thoughts, and excessive reliance on technology. This book was written in 1951, and today, the propositions are no longer fiction, but are becoming a reality. Connections between individuals are fading away. At one point, Montag asks Clarisse, “Why is it, I feel like I’ve known you so many years?” (Bradbury 32). It’s because the two of them had a tie to each other they had built over time, …show more content…

There is no individuality from one person to another. They follow the norms society has deemed trendy or normal. When the fashion world, or the media, decides something to be in, people will do whatever possible to adhere to the standards and not be classified as different. There are no personal opinions, just dominant ideas put forth by the media. People choose to give up their right to freedom of expression in order to be stylish. There are no distinctions, and it leads to dull repetitiveness. The population is obsessed with the technology that overwhelms every part of life. When Faber is talking to Montag, he explains the situation of society. He explains, “If you’re not driving hundred miles an hour, at a clip where you can’t think of anything else but the danger, then you’re playing some game or sitting in some room where you can’t argue with the four-wall televisor.” (Bradbury 86). Montag recognized this with Mildred, because every time he walked into their house, “the walls were always talking to Mildred (Bradbury 42). Before, Mildred had stated to Montag, “My ‘family’ is people.” (Bradbury 75). Society is submerged so deep in technology, that it is the only way of life now. The reality shows on television are people’s “family”, because that is all they know. The only world that exists to them is the world with the four walls. There is no compensation to the technological need,

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