
Body Cams : Policing For Greater Good

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Body Cams: Policing for the Greater Good In today’s society no one is safe from everyday peril. Situations arise daily that may present either a law enforcement official or civilian that could warrant the need for extra protection. In some cases it is a matter of he said, she said. For those faced with such situations, documentation that could be provided by body cameras worn by police officials could be of great use. Body cameras have been tested in a small group of police departments and have provided an overwhelming positive effect. Police officers wearing body cameras not only provide the officers with extra peace o mind but give civilians documentation to back up their sides of the story. Not everyone is in favor of police …show more content…

The civilian phone video depicted the officer attacking another civilian, but the police body camera showed how the officer was trying to calm down the irate individual before the civilian began brutalizing the officer. In this situation, if the officer had not been wearing his body camera, he would have faced a tremendous amount of backlash both from the media as well as his department. This officer could have not only lost his job, but the department could have been in jeopardy of a lawsuit. Mr. Jay Stanley, a senior policy analyst at the American Civil Liberties Union, says: “The technology really has the potential to level the playing field in any kind of controversy or allegation of abuse” (Stross, New York – Times, BU4). Body cameras being used by police officials has been tested in many different cities. The Institute of Criminology at the University of Cambridge in coordination with the California’s Rialto Police Department in 2012 conducted a year long study on the use of body cameras by police officers. In that department, complaints against officers dropped by eighty-eight percent. And officers wearing cameras used force almost sixty percent less (Hayes). Before the induction of body cameras, police cruisers were equipped with dash cams, but in many of those instances there was a limited view in which to be seen, still leaving much room for

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