
Black Plague Dbq

Decent Essays

Between 1347 and 1351, a big disease outbreak happened in Europe that ended up killing over ten million people. People became very sick and they would have a lot of suffering which resulted in a painful death. It took 500 years to discover what the disease really was: the Black Plague. This paper details about how the Black Plague started, the suffering it caused people, and the scientific knowledge that was learned from it. The Black Plague was a accident that turned into a tragedy.. The place where the Black Plague originated from was China. Kipchak Khan Janibeg the leader of China at the time wanted to infect his enemies with dead corpses on a ship that was sailed (Black Death). What he did not know was that the rats on the ship could carry …show more content…

When the people eventually died they really suffered because it was slow painful (Plague). It took the people who got the disease a week to ten days to finally die. The scientists figured out that it came from the rats and they were carrying bacillus and scientists knows that it can spread through the air. Also the rats that were on the ship that sailed to Europe had a bunch of fleas on them which started biting people. The reason that they call it the Black Plague is because the people would get dark patches on their skin from …show more content…

It was named after Alexandre Yersin the man who found the disease Bacterium Yersinia Pestis. They wanted to find out the cause so that they knew if it happened again they could prevent it. Also they wanted to know for education and get more in detail with it. They found what they were looking for in the skeletons teeth. They looked in the marrow of the teeth and saw that every skeleton had the disease in it. About half of the people living in Europe died during a span of 4 years (How the Black Death came to an End). Everyone wanted to leave Europe and move to somewhere safer. Later in 17th century Asia had a outbreak of Bacterium Yersinia Pestis and it killed to just about ten million people. That was the last disaster with that amount of death. Medicine since the Black Plague has really involved for everyone to stay safe and

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