
Binti : Character Analysis

Decent Essays

In the book, Binti (2014), Nnedi Okorafo offers a story about a young rebellious and believable main characteri. Binti opens the minds of readers’ to new thoughts and ideas about race, class, species, and gender. Many uncommon gender roles that we are not completely accustomed to in our society are present in this novella, such as women being expected to contribute in the workforce as intellectuals. While these topics can be quite controversial in our society, in this book the Himba tribe makes one fact clear; women are to work. Not only does Binti defy the way readers usually perceive the female gender, the Meduse, an alien race that attacks Binti’s ship, also challenge the social norm of what gender means. Nnedi Okorafo incorporates the phenomenon of the cyborg and related ideas that were previously introduced by Donna Haraway in “A Cyborg Manifesto” (1984). The Meduse’s overall lack of gender, and Binti’s (eventual) acceptance of a two-part identity exemplifies a few of the main topics about the cyborg that are discussed in Haraway’s paper.
*Nnedi Okorafo, Binti (2014):
“The Meduse are not what we humans think. They are truth. They are clarity. They are decisive. There are sharp lines and edges. They understand honor and dishonor. I had to earn their honor and the only way to do that was by dying a second time.” (66).
The main character, Binti, is a sixteen-year old girl who identifies as woman of the Himba tribe. The Himba are known as innovators and it is common for

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