
Big Business Research Paper

Decent Essays

In the years following the brutal Civil War, the United States saw the rise of economic powers that have never been seen before. These economic powers became known as Big Business. The government’s economic approach of the time was a very hands off technique. This hands off technique was called laissez faire and the government believed giving businesses freedom would cause a lot of companies to grow and prosper. It was believed at the time that pure freedom for businesses would create a substantial amount of competition throughout the business world and prices would be made competitive, which means less expensive for the everyday American consumer. Sadly, the U.S. government was tremendously outsmarted by savvy entrepreneurs who believed in …show more content…

Everyone had an opinion of this complete control over the market certain people had, like American journalist Henry Demarest Lloyd, who wrote, “Society is letting these combinations [railroads] become institutions without compelling them to adjust their charges to the cost of production, which used to be the universal rule of price. Our laws and commissions to regulate the railroads are but toddling steps in a path in which we need to walk like men.” Henry wrote this for the North American Review in 1884. Some American legislators heard Henry’s call and started to make efforts to stop the overpricing that monopolies caused. The first corporation the government took a stab at was the railroad companies. The railroad companies greatly overcharged, which crippled many Americans, especially farmers and they also required certain people to pay more than others. States took the first shot at the railroad companies but their regulations were shot down by the Supreme Court in Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway Company v. Illinois. This Supreme Court decision prevented states from regulating commerce that was originated or ended beyond state lines, which caused more calls by the people for the federal government to regulate business. A few years before this Supreme Court decision a bill was presented by Sen. Shelby M. Cullom from Illinois which set up a federal commission that would institute government regulations for the

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