
Bettelheim's Theory: Fairy Tales Clarify Realism Essay

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There is nothing more precious and heartwarming than the innocence of a child. The majority of parents in society want to shield children from the bad in life which is appreciated. Within human nature exists desires of inappropriate behavior; envy, deceit, selfishness, revenge, violence, assault and murder. The most well-known fairy tales depict virtue and the evil in life. Even more important, the form and structure of fairy tales suggest images to the child by which he can structure his daydreams and with them give a better direction to his life. (Bettelheim). The popular and adored movie The Lion King illustrates many of the undesirable actions humans take part in. There are a several scenes where the child can especially learn from. …show more content…

Nala explains the wretched condition of the Pride Lands since Scar became King and urges Simba to return. Simba comes in contact with the wise baboon. He hesitates out of fear, and out of his rebellion he has a vision of his father that prompts him to return home. When he returns he challenges Scar and wins. He becomes King of the Pride Lands as his father had taught him he would. Nala gives birth to a cub of their own completing the circle of life. In Bruno Bettelheim’s book The Uses of Enchantment he writes in his essay “Fairy Tales and The Existential Predicament” that there is a widespread refusal to let children know that the source of much that goes wrong in life is due to our very own nature–the propensity of all men for acting aggressively, asocially, selfishly, out of anger and anxiety. Bettelheim implies in his essay that safe stories do not give children opportunity to experience in his or her mind the good and bad in life. In the scene where Scar meets Simba in the gorge for a talk, Scar tells Simba to stay there while he fetches his father. Scar deceives him by lying about the reason he wants him to wait in this location. What follows is a horrific scene. Earlier, there was a plan set-up by Scar with the hyenas to trigger the antelope to stampede through the gorge putting Simba’s life in danger. Scar runs to Mufasa telling him about the stampede and that Simba is in the gorge. Mufasa runs to save Simba.

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