
Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme

Good Essays

1. Explain how a Ponzi scheme works (5 pts).

A Ponzi scheme, one example of a white collar crime, is typically considered to be a fraudulent investment operation in a usually made-up or nonexistent business. A Ponzi scheme works by a primary schemer (e.g. Bernie Madoff) beginning with one set of investors – these investors are encouraged by the promise of a quick and easy pay/return on their investment and success. They then invest a sum of money (usually a large amount) in the schemer thinking that they are going to ‘get rich’ off of the investment. On the other hand, they are being paid fake returns, which comes from the money of a second set of investors. To keep the system flowing the schemer must continue to attract new investors or levels …show more content…

He began his business by investing with his family and friends, people who ultimately trusted him (something only a true sociopath would do). He used his charm and outgoing personality to recruit new investors. Madoff knew what the people wanted – they wanted to get rich fast, so he offered them a steady 1%/month and 10-12%/year. When people began investing in Madoff they would recommend their friends to him. He was known as an ‘exclusive investor’, it was difficult to invest with him, almost as if he was ‘doing them a favor’. Typically, you had to know someone who had done business with or had relations to Madoff for him to accept business with you. The social feedback loop allowed people to feel the investment was safe because everyone was doing it and talking about it. In the end, Madoff was very confident and what the investors thought was a trustworthy man. Individuals were easily recruited for years because they were promised a fast dollar and they felt it was safe to invest in him. The overall image of Madoff and the perfect timing (while the Stock Market was doing well) made him such a successful fraudster in his Ponzi …show more content…

Casey met with a group of fellow investors and heard about the astonishing numbers Madoff was making. He quickly became skeptical of the investment because he was creating numbers that no one else could imagine. He went to Harry Markopolos, a mathematician for help. Markopolos looked over the numbers and almost immediately stated that this was a fraud, even a Ponzi scheme. He then created a math model to reproduce the earnings of Madoff – he could not recreate his numbers. He then went to the SEC to report Madoff and after several attempts and numerous years they agreed to investigate. They agreed that no one could get those return rates with both increasing and decreasing market rates but instead of investigating Madoff for a Ponzi, he was investigated for front running. Madoff was investigated and found not guilty, while the Ponzi idea was completely dismissed. This allowed Madoff to continue his fraudulent operation for a few more years. His ultimate ending came in 2008 when the Stock market crashed. When this happened people became panicked and wanted their money back from Madoff – because he had pocketed it, he was unable to return the money to investors and he was finally forced to admit to his whole

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