
Benefits Of A College Education As A Police Officer

Decent Essays

A college education can have many benefits for police officers. A college education can provide officers with skills that can only be learned with through a college education. These skills can be applied in the workplace in order for them to perform their duties in a more efficient manner. A higher education can also open doors for advancement within a department. A college education is an invaluable asset, helpful not only in a professional sense, but also in a personal sense. An advantage that can be attained through a college education includes better communication skills. Police officers are required to pen numerous reports throughout their careers. By taking college writing courses, officers will be able enhance their report writing skills. Reports will be structured better, will convey thoughts clearly, and will overall have a better flow. Additionally, officers will possess speaking skills that are superior to those who do not have college under their belt. Speaking is a vital function …show more content…

Officers who have graduated college are viewed as more qualified candidates for promotional opportunities. Having a college degree can help separate an individual from the rest of the pack. Departments tend to promote well rounded individuals, and individuals with college degrees benefit from being exposed to a variety of various courses studied to attain their degrees. If a promotion came down to two individuals who possess similar qualities, but only one has a college education, I believe the more qualified person in this instance would be the one with college experience. In addition to receiving raises through promotions, many departments also pay officers with college degrees more than those who do not. This means that officers who are college graduates will be paid a significant amount more money throughout their

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