
Beatrice and Hero in Much Ado About Nothing Essay

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Beatrice and Hero in William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing Beatrice is a young, attractive woman, who lives to be an unconventional member of her community. She is technically a free woman as her father died when she was younger and she has no one to say to her no, or that’s enough, or in general tell her what to do. She lives her life as she wishes and is known as Lady Disdain by one of her fellow characters, Benedick. However, Hero is the complete opposite to her cousin Beatrice. She too is an only child; she is rich and would be a good catch for any man of her time. She is as decorative as a porcelain doll and never complains. She is also loyal to her friends and family, and always …show more content…

Beatrice sees herself as equal to most men. She is witty and confident, and cannot pass through the day without making a joke or remark about her ultimate opposition, Benedick. ‘Why he is the prince’s Jester’ =============================== However she doesn’t just make jokes about Benedick, but about the whole of the living, breathing, male race. One of the main reasons that she does this is because of the absence of her father. This has opened her eyes and she is able to see the unfairness of her society. A good example of this is the scene of Hero and Claudio’s wedding. There is no question that Claudio is lying or may be wrong about Hero, and even Hero’s father sides with him. In the play the audience is also told in so many words that there has once been some kind of relationship between Beatrice and Benedick. This is also a motive for the two to fight like cat and dog, and to make those bad jokes about each other, that the audience has come to know and love. It would not be possible to describe the character of Beatrice in three or four words, however, sarcastic, confident and fiery are a good start. When she is constantly reminding the audience of how she dislikes Benedick, the hope of a new love is on the horizon. In the first dance scene,

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