
Beatles Songs Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

“Something” by the Beatles-Listening chart

Form Time Lyrics Descriptive comments
Intro 0:00 The beating of drums coupled with the piano.
A 0:05 Something in the way…
Attracts me like…. Drums and beats slowed down as the first verse comes in
A 0:44 I don’t want to leave….
You know I believe… Smoothing tone and transition
B 1:14 Somewhere in her smile…
That I don’t need no other…
Something in her style …… Bridge section: A beat rises as the group joins to sing. Similar phrases.
A 2:10 Don’t want to…
You know I believe…
You’re asking… Tone unified with melodious verse.
B 2:14 Somewhere in her… As before
A 3:02 Don’t want to….
You know I believe…. Instrumental coda fades out

The Beatles song "something" was produced in 1969. A demo version of something …show more content…

The guitar solo provided more emotional support to the lyrics of the song. It wasn't loud and it wasn't soft. It was right in the middle. The song had a medium tempo and the dynamic of the song is soft to high and then back to soft. Because of the soothing and soft to high dynamic of the song with the guitar producing the support, you feel the emotions the song is trying to provide. Most of the lyrics are repeated in song and the main vocalist said this line (“I don't want to leave her now. You know I believe and how") throughout the song, which is the main idea behind the song. The main idea the song is trying to portray is how there’s something special in the person he loves and he can't let her go. He said "Attracts me like no other lover" and” That I don't need no other lover" which means the girl he loves is irreplaceable. The lyrics of this song are relatable to everyone because it's about love. It's not something we can see or touch but it's an emotion that we all can feel and express at any given

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