
Banning Cell Phones Research Paper

Decent Essays

The world is always changing. Different generations grew up with different things. One of the newer changes is technology. My parents can remember a time when there was no such thing as a cell phone and computer were just big boxes that took up almost the whole room. One of the more recent changes is cell phones.

Practically everyone owns a cell phone. Cell phones can be valuable tools. They’re helpful if you’d like to call someone or want to research something up on the web. All though they have their practical uses they can also be used to just waste time and distract you from things you should be doing. High Schools are having a huge problem with this. With everything available to them on their phones many students are becoming obsessed with them. Instead of doing their work in class they are on their phones. Different high schools are handling …show more content…

Students can easily get caught up in what’s going on on their phone and not what’s going on around them at school. It’s understand why schools would want to ban them but I don’t necessarily think that will solve the problem. I believe schools should allow the use cell phones. If you banned cell phones it may cause more problems than solve. Parents wouldn’t be happy because they’ve lost a way to communicate with their children. The student’s wouldn’t be happy because you’ve taken a way one of their freedoms. Also there will always will be those who won’t listen to the rules, and just go ahead and use their cellphones. Banning is a short time fix. If schools really want to try and help their students they’ll figure a way to use the technology for learning. Many people believe that technology could be a way to further education, to expand the boundaries of teaching. The problem with incorporating technology though, is that you have to be sure that the students will stay on track and will only use the technology for academic

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