
Atlantic Slave Trade Rebellion

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It is true that there may not be much documentation about the lives of slaves who were enslaved in the Atlantic Slave trade from the African slave’s perspective. That does not mean it didn’t happen. The Africans who were enslaved in the Atlantic Slave trade by their slave-owners tried any way to get out of their forced work. African slaves almost fought daily for their own equal rights and better lives in the form of rebellion and resistance to their slave-owners. Resistance, rebellion and retaliation rates happened immensely throughout the Atlantic Slave Trade in the United States. Resistance and rebellion to slave work would happen on different levels. From dragging their feet, to the extreme of either running away or murdering their …show more content…

The slave trade started by other African colonies capturing other Africans from other African colonies and Europeans trading guns and weapons to the kings of the African colonies there prisoners. Around one in every 10 voyages there would be major rebellion among the African slaves. It got to the point of them having many less slaves enter the market because the African slaves that rebelled and fought didn’t make it and got killed or thrown overboard. There is precise regions that the resistant’s came from. The most rebellion prone areas were Upper Guinea, Senegambia, Sierra Leone, and the Windward Coast, which had the slightest amount of participation in the slave trade. The ships the African slaves were sent on were the most unsanitary conditions, they captions of the ship would put as many African onto the ship as possible making them live in their own feces and dirt. Which so many of the slaves would die of diseases and other sicknesses. The African men would also commit suiside because they didn’t want to be slaves. This was a form of rebellion. This rebellion was natural. The African slaves were taken without their consent. Millions of slaves didn’t make it

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