
Assignment : The Proclamation Of 1763

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Abbie Wheeler Devon Lord HIST 2111 October 5, 2017 Writing Assignment #1 Based on the fact that the colonists were being denied their right to be taxed by a colonial representative, the colonists absolutely had the right to rebel against the king and Parliament. Not only for this reason, but also for numerous other reasons. The Proclamation of 1763 was completely and wholly unfair to the colonists, and can be considered one of the first events to incite the idea of an American revolution. The colonists were forbidden from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains after the Seven-Years War when British gained control of land in the west that the French had owned. The colonists were eager to continue exploring America and settling west of the colonies, but they were suddenly forbidden from settling in what used to be French territory. The Proclamation of 1763 angered a lot of colonists who saw it as unfair for the British to take land away from the colonies. By 1765 when Parliament passed the Stamp Acts, the colonies were already governing themselves so a certain extent and smuggling goods to avoid the British taxes. The colonists were being taxed extensively so that Britain could pay back their debts from the Seven-Years War, which was not fair for the colonists to be paying for, seeing as the colonies had absolutely no involvement in the Seven-Years war. In response to the Stamp Acts, the colonists sent the king the Declaration of Rights of the Stamp Act Congress which

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