
Assignment 208 Task A Essay

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Understand health and safety in social care settings Assignment 208 Task A Soon we will be going to an outing to Warwick Castle with four of our service users and three cares, a minibus has been hired for day. I have had a look at the accessibility for wheelchair users around the castle. There are four toilets in the castle, but only three are wheelchair friendly, these are located in the coach house, the conservatory and the mill and engine house. Most of the castle is wheelchair friendly, I have made a list of non-wheelchair access at the bottom of the plan. Both restaurants have access for wheelchairs. Ai Some examples of accidents and/or sudden illnesses that might occur on the outing: Trips and falls - someone could trip whilst …show more content…

Maintain the natural curve of the spine, keeping the spine in line, create a stable base of support with your legs slightly apart, your knees slightly bent. Avoid stooping, bending at the waist and twisting. If you are working with colleagues, identify a team leader who should give instructions, for example ‘ready, steady, move’. Use your large muscles in your legs to power the activity, keep the load as close to you as possible, and make sure you have a good grip. In case of a person, check that the movement and your grip doesn’t cause discomfort. Take your time and if for any reason you are not happy with the activity, get advice and report your concerns to your manager. Know your limitations and do not exceed them. Aiv It is important to follow the care plan and communicate with each individual when moving and handling at all times as it promotes health and safety and safety of the service user and staff. Always explain to the service user what you are going to do, so they know what to expect. A care plan has all the information on the service user, for example, risk assessments, if they bruise easily or any injuries which could cause distress when moving and handling. Av In the event of a medication administration staff must have the correct training. Each time medication is administered, you need to have the: Right individual - always check the prescription label. Right medication - read the medication label carefully. If there is

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