
Articles Of Confederation Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

The government established by the Articles of Confederation lacked the coherence, strength, and cooperation needed to spur the young nation to success, instead wreaking havoc politically, defensively, and economically. For example, because there was neither a national currency nor regulation of commerce, the mid-1780s were stricken with inflation and economic depression. Moreover, due to the absence of a national legislature, laws varied from state to state; thus, Congress had difficulty passing and enforcing laws and taxes. Lastly, the nation lacked strong, solid leadership to guide decisions and head foreign affairs. In essence, at the time of America’s new-found independence from Britain, the Articles failed to provide a unified government …show more content…

This resulted from several combined factors: the shortage of goods, consequent of the British Blockade; military demand for supplies during the Revolution; and the flood of paper currency to cover enormous debt accumulated during the war. Most importantly, the weak government was unable to regulate these crises. Accordingly, severe economic depression shook the nation not only economically, but politically as it faced uprisings, such as Shay’s Rebellion, against taxes imposed on the already-struggling common folk.
This problem was further worsened by the inability of the government to enforce taxes. Rhode Island’s letter to Congress clearly depicts the absence of federal control over state legislatures, as Rhode Island “[rejected] the recommendation of Congress, respecting an impost on imported goods” (doc A). Because each state retained its sovereignty, they could easily accept or reject the demands of Congress. This lack of federal power substantially restrained the government in carrying out its …show more content…

As represented in John Jay’s instructions to the US minister to Great Britain, the nation struggled to expel British forces from various forts across American territory (doc D). This was due to the fact that the US could not meet the British demands of recompensing the Loyalists for their losses during the war. Also, the Spanish posed two obstacles that divided the nation: “the navigation of the Mississippi and the territorial limits between them and us” (doc F). The Spanish not only tried to prevent Americans from expanding past the Mississippi River, but also refused them access to the river for trade. Thus, border disputes broke out, and the United States was essentially helpless because of its complications with its own military (doc

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