
Aristotle's The Nicomachean Ethics: Aristotle

Decent Essays

Meaghan Hill
26th September 2014
Ethics; Dr Patton

The Nicomachean Ethics - ESSAY Aristotle was a student of Plato, but differed with Plato on his theories on morality. Plato didn’t believe people were born good or bad. He did however believe that people had a combination of traits that could be either good or bad that he named vices (deviant behavior) and virtues (good behavior), and that a person’s virtue is a choice and that virtue defines a person’s disposition. He uses these ideas to explain his moral theory. Aristotle explains his ideas in his work The Nicomachean Ethics. First though, I should explain what my interpretation of Aristotle’s books, along with Aristotle’s view of the human soul. Aristotle believes ones disposition makes …show more content…

Aristotle’s Virtue Theory claims a person’s actions are deemed good if they are performed based on virtue and are deviant if based on vice. Saying a virtuous person will make the right decision no matter the situation. You can argue both for and against this thesis. For example self-defense. If you were being attacked and a man pinned you down, held a gun to your head, and was about to rape you, but at the last minute you somehow managed to wrestle the gun from the perpetrators hands and shot him in-order to save yourself, I cannot honestly say there would be many people who would call your actions bad. Most would argue that you did nothing wrong, and that you were simply defending yourself, and that you did the right thing given the situation. Yet an argument against that assumption in that there are some actions that are wrong no matter what situation you may find yourself. Religion often dictates specific actions that are wrong no matter who is performing them, or why. Christianity says that it is wrong to kill someone, plain and simple. Therefore, someone who kills another person whether it was in self-defense or not is still committing a act that is considered

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