
Aristotle's Characteristics Of A Great-Souled Man

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Aristotle’s characteristics of a Great-Souled man have been around for thousands of years and its aspects have been greatly altered as time passes. That virtue of a Great-Souled man seems applicable to modern world as it was in time of Aristotle. However, some of Aristotle ethics are not particularly applicable today. In modern world, things like accumulating wealth and writing million dollars worth of checks for donations, are more characteristic of a Great Souled-man. Though Jesus did not carry the traits of today’s Great-Souled man as described above, he remains in the hearts of millions today for his miraculous works.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. Jesus worked as a carpenter and lived a traditional Jewish life until he was thirty. In his thirties, he began religious teachings and displayed miracles in public. His key teachings were about loving one another, reality of judgement day, and the good news to enter heaven. His works of miracles, such as curing diseases, walking on water, and calming the storms were appealing to many people that they decided to follow him. Despite his efforts to keep low profile, his reputation spread nation-wide. Jesus claimed to be God, which violated the Jewish law, so many Jewish leaders asked the Roman government to execute him. Though, he was not guilty of breaking any Roman law, he was brutally tortured and hung by his hand on the cross. He rose from the dead after three days and rose up to heaven.
Without a doubt, Jesus

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