
Aristotle Research Paper

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Who was Aristotle?
Aristotle was born in the ninety-ninth Olympiad or 384 BCE, in a now extinct Greek colony called Stagira. He was the son of Nicomachus, a court physician to King Amyntas III of Macedonia and his mother, Phaestis was the descended from the first founders of Stagira (s). Little information is known about his mother, but it is believed that she died when Aristotle was young. "Aristotle was the son of Nicomachus, who traced his lineage and his profession back to Machaon, the son of Asclepius. His mother, Phaestis, was descended from one of those who led the expedition from one of those who led the colony to Stageira from Chalcis”. This extract from Dionysius of Halicarnassus, The First Letter to Ammaeus, is one of the remaining …show more content…

Confucius recognized this and began to focus on Social teachings, how individuals should behave in society and respect his fellow men, and Political teachings, which dealt with how a Ruler should rule (s). However, Confucius declared that he was not an innovator with his teachings but rather he was just fulfilling his task of restoring the teachings from the Golden Age (s).
“Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Is he not a man of complete cirtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?” (The Analects, Chapter 1). However, the “learning” that is referred to does not only focus on book learning but also on social relationships and the great virtue of “humanity”. Confucius believed that learning about “humanity” would fill an individual with joy and would help one stay on the right path. Majority of his teachings taught the importance of compassion, with his Golden Rule being, "What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others" (Lunyu 12.2, 6.30). This rule complied with the belief that people should avoid self-aggrandizement and practise self-restraint to remain

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