
Arguments Against The Anti-Federalist

Decent Essays

Federalist papers are one of the most important series of essays government papers and are being used against the Anti-federalist that are trying to ratify the constitution. Madison has written Federalist 10 for main purpose of discussing the word “factions”. What madison says in any government, “people are going to inevitably join factions and have common interest”. What madison fears is that the largest faction of them all, equal distribution of property and he is saying because of the division of property and a few with a lot and a lot without anything and the largest faction is going to be the poor. Since the majority is the poor working class men this might create tension and a disagreement of ideas that are dissimilar then the wealthy few. Madison says there is only two things you can …show more content…

For a charismatic person to come in a say he wants to protect the poor then gets their votes then goes on to only work for the poor leaving the wealthy people out. The other idea is the larger republic, the larger the fraction becomes, the larger the fraction the less the faction is going to be able to be unified. therefore it is It's very hard to get a faction to unify inside and some of them have different views which can put an end to how tyranny happens. Without a large republic not only are you gonna have the problem of the tyranny of the majority that you're not gonna have a unified country if we become factionalized to the point where it just kinda elect your own person who represent your own views that we are going to go to civil war and break up as a nation by having a large republic and having all these voices muted in there factions by the process of election. There is always gonna be factions and in order to protect the minority in final statements Madison says you need to have a large republic without it Corruption and tyranny will

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