
Argumentative Essay On Time Travel

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Time travel has long been a complicated topic regarding its existence and its effect upon humanity. Time travel is viewed as “a discrepancy between time and time,” where one can move forward or backward in the time continuum without the time traveler’s body experiencing the same duration. Even though time travel has not been proven successful in modern day, it is logically and physically possible. If someone were successful in manifesting a time machine, many would attempt to alter previous mistakes made in the past. However, by stating that time travel is real, then it interferes with the belief of free will. According to the argument made by Robert Heinlein in “All You Zombies,” if time travel does exist, then free will does not due to backward causation and determinism. Heinlein creates a narrative of a bartender and a man who claims he is an “unmarried mother.” (Heinlein 1). The unmarried mother tells his story of how he grew up as a female orphan, and later fell in love with a man who later impregnated her and left her to bear the child on her own. After she gave birth to her child, Jane, she discovered she attained a set of male and female sex organs, in which her female sex organs were damaged beyond repair. After her surgery that altered her sex from female to male, his child was stolen, motivating him to plot revenge on whoever took Jane. The bartender agreed to take him back in time if the unmarried mother agreed to fulfill his role as a time travel agent. When

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