
Argumentative Essay On Reconciliation

Decent Essays

Assignment Five – Reconciliation

After watching the video by Murray Sinclair on “Reconciliation” – write an editorial (not a letter to the editor) on “Moving Forward in Education” for your local newspaper – especially in light of the new curriculum rewrite in Alberta. Ultimately, many Canadians believe what they believe because of miseducation – and that must be “righted”. This “editorial” must be at least 600 words in length and offer a “path” for future generations.

Surveys show that few people want government to pay to heal residential school wounds. In the same way, the purposed of the residential schools were to “fix” aboriginal children by abducting them from their homes and culture, today’s provincially run system of child welfare does the same. Thousands of aboriginal children are placed into “non-Aboriginal families without regards of the preservation of their culture.” This is a rampant predicament as more and more children in foster care now than there were in residential schools.

All of Canada’s non-Aboriginal population is responsible for the overall welfare of the First Nations. The harsh living conditions and the coercion of Western culture effected in generations of abuse to this day and a complete disconnect between families and the children who were enrolled in the schools. On one hand, the Canadian federal government of 1876 is figuratively on trial for its legitimate felonies against the First Nation’s people. On the other hand, Canada’s modern-day

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