
Argumentative Essay: Child Soldiers

Decent Essays

Kassie Cordier
Child Soldiers In discussions of child soldiers, one controversial issue has been if they should be granted amnesty for killing people. On the one hand, people who believe child soldiers are harmful argue that they should be prosecuted. On the other hand, people who think they were forced into fighting contend that they shouldn’t be prosecuted. The fact that they killed people, might kill more people and we shouldn’t promoting child soldiers has made the best option of dealing with them to not grant child soldiers amnesty.

Most importantly, child soldiers shouldn’t be granted amnesty because they slaughtered people. A particularly compelling example of this is when a military commander said “If you tell them to kill, they kill.” in an article written by Jeffrey Gettleman (Packet page 6). This …show more content…

They have learned to kill and could stick to it by killing innocent people. This is shown when Gettleman says, “Their psyches damaged by all the killing they have witnessed,” (Packet page 8). What this evidence suggests is that their brains have been corrupt and as many people know, that can lead to psychological problems in the future, maybe even mental illnesses. Also, a child soldier says “What do I enjoy? I enjoy the gun.” while talking to Gettleman (Packet Page 8). This explains that the children are used to and like to use guns. This can result in them using guns on other people who didn’t do anything. Lastly, Gettleman states that the child soldiers are very loyal (Packet page 6). What this Make clear is that no matter how old the children get, they will probably stay with the people they fight with which may result in them fighting again. Although there are cases where the children grow up fine and learn to be different, some won’t and that can cause a person's life to end. It is safer to keep them in a controlled

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