
Breaking Stalin's Nose Essay

Decent Essays

Lia Bennett
March 2, 2018
Period #1

Argumentative Essay: Breaking Stalin’s Nose

When his dad is shoved into the police car, Sasha feels empty. He goes to school hoping to fulfill his childhood dreams of being a young pioneer. Instead, he accidentally knocks into a beloved Stalin statue and the nose crashes forcefully to the ground. A classmate of his bravely takes the blame for Sasha even though he knew the consequences in store for him. The purpose of this work of historical fiction is to educate readers while making it interesting and fun to read. Breaking Stalin’s Nose succeeds in educating the reader, making connections, and examining the social changes in hindsight.
To begin with, this book educated the reader about the past. Everyone in the Soviet Union looked up to the leader, Stalin, even though he wasn’t a good leader at all. He caused many problems for the citizens including uncomfortable living conditions. This book educates the reader by showing that back then even when people were treated badly, they still had to look up to their leader even though he was the cause of all …show more content…

In the novel, the Soviet citizens were forced to look up to Stalin when he actually made them suffer. Nowadays, people think of Stalin as a bad person and leader, they immediately think of how awful he was and what he did. People have changed their view on communism and their type of leadership. As an example, in the novel Breaking Stalin’s Nose, Sasha the main character looks up to Stalin as a leader. A passage from the book is, “When I imagine Comrade Stalin reading my letter, I get so excited that I can’t sit still.”pg. 4 This shows that Sasha really looks up to Stalin. When I told my mom the title of the novel, she immediately thought about the bad things Stalin did. This is an example of how social changes occurred from when Stalin was a leader to today when he is known as a bad

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