
Anxiety And Anxiety Of Anxiety Essay

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Anxiety Do you know what anxiety feels like? You do not. I do not believe that you really understand. I do not believe that you know the feeling. I will tell you. I will explain it to you. The feeling, that is the thing. You do not understand the feeling. It is not just nervousness or worry. It is not as simple as that. Anxiety is constant. It is that itch that just will not go away. Because the itch is right in the back of your mind, you cannot get to it. Whether I am in a crowded restaurant or alone in my room, it is there. Always. Every little thing is a cause for anxiety. Big event coming up? Anxiety. Something is broken and it’s my job to fix it? Anxiety. Need to tell my father something incredibly simple? Anxiety. Think there is nothing to worry about and everything is fine in my life? Nope, anxiety there too. Whether it is worrying about a big event or a person, or it is just checking every five minutes to make sure I have absolutely everything I need in my bag, and then always finding something new to pack because there is so many ‘what if’ situations that it is almost hard to think of anything else, every situation has bad thing when you have anxiety eating away at you constantly. Anxiety is unexpected. Though constant, it is not constantly at its peak. Taking me by surprise is something anxiety excels at. It is always walking behind me. It could be right behind me, stepping on my heels, or it could be so far away it is only a glimmer on the horizon. Sometimes,

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