
Antimicrobial Stewardship

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Antibiotic resistance is becoming a more prevalent issue. This is a growing dilemma because, not only do patients have the potential to develop resistance, but they also can transmit the resistant bacteria to others (McKellar, 2014). Additionally, it is estimated that over one-third of all antibiotics prescribed to patients are unnecessary (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). Overutilization of antibiotics is a growing problem due to some patients’ inappropriate demands for antibiotics or misdiagnoses by prescribers, however, underutilization of antibiotics can be just as problematic. Physicians are trained to use good antimicrobial stewardship when prescribing antibiotics; only giving them to patients who truly do have a bacterial infection. This becomes an issue when providers are too cautious and do not prescribe antibiotics in an attempt not to contribute to antibiotic resistance. Unfortunately, this caution could have a detrimental effect on the health of patients who actually need the antibiotics. To combat this issue, we must find a balance between good antimicrobial stewardship to minimize resistance while also taking underutilization into consideration. We, as pharmacists, are at a unique position between the physician and …show more content…

While stewardship is extremely important to slow the rate of resistance, we must also make sure that patients in need of antimicrobial therapy receive the treatment they need. Price of medication and overly cautious prescribers are two of many barriers that patients may experience; as clinicians it’s important that we do our part to promote appropriate and affordable treatments. Ideally, prescribers could determine the exact pathogen using a swab or culture of the infected tissue. This would prevent misdiagnoses and reduce unnecessary costs to the

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