
Antibiotics And Their Influence On The Creation Of Superbugs Essay

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Antibiotics and Their Influence on the Creation of Superbugs
Shawna R. Papach
State College of Florida
ENC: 1101:11985
Antibiotics have been a very important means for someone to feel better. Since the discovery of Penicillin in 1928, antibiotics have saved many countless lives that otherwise wouldn’t be saved. The real threat in the world today is the rapid spreading of antibiotic resistant diseases. To address this worldwide problem the National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria was developed and issued by President Barack Obama on September 18, 2014. This plan lists five goals to slow the progression of resistant bacteria. These goals work as a guide actions of the U.S government and public health agencies around the world to address this big concern to the world’s safety.
Antibiotics and Their Influence on the Creation of Superbugs Antibiotic resistant infections are on the rise in the United States, and this rise can be directly attributed to the over-prescription of antibiotics by healthcare professionals. Even with the many advances in the world today when it comes to antibiotics and treating infections, antibiotic resistant diseases are on the rise. With the diminished ability to destroy the growth of bacteria, the less we are able to get the quick fix that we believe is achieved with the use of antibiotics. Resistance compromises the benefits that we currently have to treat anything from pneumonias to antibiotics given

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