
Annotated Bibliography On Sex Trafficking

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Biljana Meshkovska, Melissa Siegel, Sarah E. Stutterheim & Arjan E. R. Bos (2015) Female Sex Trafficking: Conceptual Issues, Current Debates, and Future Directions, The Journal of Sex Research, 52:4, 380-395, DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2014.1002126

This article provided an overview of relevant issues surrounding contemporary sex trafficking, including risk factors. The article estimates that 600,000 to 800,000 men, women, and child are sex trafficked every year. It also explains three main factors that play into sex trafficking: human rights, migration, and security. This article exemplifies women’s lack of agency in relation to their bodies. Although there are male sex workers, there are many more female workers, further exploiting women’s sexuality. This aids in the fear women grow up and live with; the fear of being sold.

Carly M. Hilinski (2010) The role of victim–offender relationships in predicting fear of rape among college women, Criminal Justice Studies, 23:2, 147-162, DOI: 10.1080/1478601X.2010.485477 This article aimed to discover the predictors of fear of rape. The sample size was 224 women …show more content…

It summarized data from many different sources, and provided statistics for many different aspects of sexual assault. Some main points included the prevalence of assault, the effects on victims, and particular risk factors for being sexually assaulted within the military. The article gave chilling statistics, such as up to 31% of women in the military receive unwanted sexual attention. This article shows how the power relationships between men and women extend to even the most honorable positions held in society. The fact that sexual assault and harassment is so common in the military just further deters women away from holding admirable, brave occupations. The fear of being sexually assaulted can discourage women from joining and further perpetuate the mentality of women being

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