
Animal Abuse In Canada

Decent Essays

To this day, animals in every country, state, province and cities are getting abused. Some people are that abuse animals are not aware that they are doing so. Others, are well aware of that they are doing to animals. This essay will consist of topics that have to do with the Canada Criminal Code- consequences for abusing animals in Canada, the types of abuse will follow, as well the reasoning of why people continue to follow through with barbaric and inhumane actions towards helpless animals, and companies and or places that use animals for testing and/or entertainment. Around the world millions of animals lose their lives and get brutally tortured.
“At least a hundred million animals die each year due to animal testing” (Peta) Animals such …show more content…

The second reason is because the person may not even be aware of hunting the animal(s). Sometimes when an animal does something it should not of, that person may think that punishment (ex. Hitting) And intimidation are the best/most efficient way to solve problems. Sometimes a person may not be able to provide fully for their animal. The naima may not be getting enough food, medicine, or even love. Because the owner can not afford to pay for the needed supplies. An animal can also be neglected by not getting enough love (as mentioned) and/or attention. Mental abuse to animals is just as bad as physical abuse. Animals have feelings too. Having an animal is very similar to having a child. A child needs love and needs to be happy. In order for an animal to be happy, it needs to feel love from its owner, Without it, an animal may be aggressive, or depressed even. For the entertainment part of things, for example there are forced dog fights, where two dogs (Most common dog to be put into a fight is a Pitbull.) will be put into a small area (a room or a pen) and fight. Before the fight begins, people will make bets on who they think which dog will win. In the beginning the fights start off with two living dogs, but in the end only one living dog remains. The dog that is living is the winner. After the fights over, the money would be collected and the whole process would …show more content…

Abusing animals is not acceptable and it is most definitely inexcusable. Laws and consequences that are more harsh should be put into place. Why should animals be treated differently? A human that abuses an animal badly on purpose, should be considered dangerous. If a person cannot act humanely towards an animal, then in reality, what's to stop them from acting like that towards a human? A person who abuses an animal is dangerous to humans and animals alike. Another valid reason to make more harsher consequences is simple. Say a person does serve his/her time in jail or pays the fine. Sure they will not be allowed to own an animal, but what’s to stop them from abusing an animal again? There should be a rule in place where your on protocol and have people supervising the person to make sure that they will not abuse an animal again. Or say if they did abuse an animal again, the fine and jail time should triple or double, the person should be put into a course about animal abuse and how to treat an animal, and how bad of pain the animal goes through during abuse. Abusing an animal is like abusing a child, the child is defenseless and can not do anything to stop it. That is the same thing with an animal. What can an animal do to defend itself? Run and hide? Maybe try to bite or scratch? Other than that the animal is completely defenseless.

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